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About Us

FACTE is an organization designed to facilitate professional leadership and partnerships essential for the successful preparation of individuals to participate in a world class workforce. Formed in 1926, FACTE is the only organization in the state of Florida that is solely dedicated to representing the interests of career and technical educators. Membership in the association is open to all individuals and organizations that support its purpose. FACTE serves to promote career and technical education in Florida by unifying all interests through representative membership. It strives to create a better understanding of career and technical education and encourage technical and professional growth among all educators. FACTE also encourages the development of local associations that will promote advocacy and professional development for career and technical education. FACTE comprises several divisions that support all areas of career and technical education. These include:

  • Florida Leadership for Career and Technical Education (FLCTE)
  • Florida Association of Agriculture Educators (FAAE)
  • Florida Business Technology Education Association (FBTEA)
  • Florida Educators of Family and Consumer Sciences (FEFACS)
  • Florida Association of Health Science Educators (FAHSE)
  • Florida Apprenticeship Association (FAA)
  • Florida Association of Industrial and Technology Educators (FAITE)
  • Florida Association of Student Services
  • Florida Technology Engineering Education Association (FTEEA)
  • Florida Career Pathways Network (FCPN)
  • Florida Association pf Business, Technology, and Marketing Educators and Supervisors (FABTMES)
  • Public Services 
  • Teacher Educators

There are five main goals of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education: 

1. FACTE works to encourage professional development by promoting networking, leadership development, and technical updating among members.
2. By fostering excellence in career and technical education, we work to continuously improve our local programs offered in schools statewide.
3. FACTE strives to advocate legislation and public policies that enhance career and technical education.
4. We also conduct activities that result in association growth through membership development, retention and satisfaction.
5. Finally, we strive to strengthen the image of career and technical education at all levels by developing, implementing and evaluating a comprehensive marketing plan. 


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Discrimination on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, marital status or genetic identity against an individual who qualifies for participation in the organization or activities supported by this organization is prohibited.  No person shall, on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, or genetic identity, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any FACTE program or activity, or in any contracted services conditions or practices conducted by FACTE.

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