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The name of this corporation shall be the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, Inc.
Section 1. Mission
The mission of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, Inc. is to facilitate the leadership and partnerships essential for the successful preparation of individuals to participate in a world-class workforce.
Section 2. Purpose
The Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, Inc. shall be a non-profit corporation of career and technical education personnel whose purpose shall be to:
A. Promote career and technical education in Florida by unifying all interests through representative membership;
B. Render service to fellow workers;
C. Create a better understanding of career and technical education;
D. Encourage technical and professional growth among the workers in career and technical education;
E. Promote and encourage the development of county and/or district associations who shall promote local interest and participation in career and technical education.
Section 1. Divisions
Unless otherwise provided for by the Board of Directors, the organization structure of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education shall comprise Divisions whose members belong to the affiliated professional organizations that meet the requirements in Article III, Section 2.
Section 2. Division Qualification
A. To become affiliated with Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, a group shall submit a written petition to the Florida Association Board of Directors for membership;
B. The petition shall include information that indicates:
1. The interest of the group is clearly defined as directly involved in or closely related to career and technical education;
2. The group represents an interest that is statewide;
3. The group cannot be identified in an existing division and/or is not currently served by a single existing division;
4. The group has submitted a petition for divisional status to the Board of Directors;
5. The group will comply with the requirements set by the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education for membership enrollment in each division;
6. The group shall require each of its members to join the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education;
7. The group will elect a representative who shall also serve on Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Board of Directors as a vice-president.
C. Each Division is active until the Board of Directors vote to inactivate the Division or the Division’s leadership request that their Division is terminated. If a Division is terminated, any remaining Division funds will allocated to the FACTE scholarship fund.
Section 1. Eligibility
Membership in this Association shall be open to all individuals, firms and/or organizations that support its purpose.
Section 2. Classification of Members
A. Active
1. Eligible to participate in all official business of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, provided she/he is in good standing;
B. Life
1. Eligible to participate in all official business of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education;
C. Affiliate
1. No voting or office holding privileges.
2. Local, state or national firms/businesses/agencies.
D. Professional Learning Community
1. Shall be for education institutions, public or private supporting the Association’s purpose.
2. Membership cost will be based on the number of CTE instructors and will cover the FACTE ($50) portion of dues.
3. Instructors can activate their individual memberships by paying dues to join one Division.
4. Professional Learning Communities will be allowed to register instructors at member rates for all FACTE events.
5. No voting or office holding privileges.
E. Student
1. Shall be enrolled in career and technical education.
2. Shall not be employed full-time in the education system.
3. No voting or office holding privileges.
Section 3. Dues
A. Membership year shall begin with receipt of dues of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education office and extend for one year (12 months). Members shall be assessed according to classification:
1. Active - $75.00
2. Life - $400.00
3. Affiliate - $300.00
4. Professional Learning Community- (fee Schedule)
5. Student $25.00
6. FAAE Division
If member indicate Florida Association for Agriculture Educators (FAAE) as their Division of membership an additional $75 dues payment will be necessary to complete the unified membership package (NAAE, FAAE, and FACTE).
B. Dues
1. The Board of Directors must approve proposed dues changes.
2. Proposed dues changes must be printed in an Association publication, which is sent to all members 30 days prior to the annual business meeting.
3. Proposed changes must be approved by a majority vote of all members present and voting at the Annual Business meeting.
4. Approved changes in dues shall become effective at the beginning of each member’s next membership year.
5. Dues for each membership classification shall be published in appropriate promotional literature.
C. Delinquent – Dues shall become delinquent if not paid prior to membership expiration date.
D. Non-Payment – Members whose dues have not been paid within 30 days of their expiration date shall be removed from the membership rolls
Section 1.
The elected officers of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education shall be President, President-elect, immediate Past-President, and one FACTE Board member representing each of the Divisions that qualify for Division status. All elected officers must be members in good standing of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education.
Section 2. Eligibility
To be eligible for office, a member shall:
A. Be in good standing;
B. Be a member of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education and at least one Division for two years;
C. Not be a member of the nominating committee;
D. Not, if serving as an officer, succeed himself/herself in the same office;
E. Not be elected President-elect from the same Division two consecutive years.
Section 3. Term of Office
Term of office for the President, President-elect and Immediate Past President shall be for two consecutive years, from Annual Meeting to Annual Meeting two years later.
Section 4. Nomination
A. The deadline for nominations for the office of President-elect shall be two months prior to the Annual Business Meeting.
B. Each Division, if eligible, may submit one nominee whose name shall be considered or the office of President-elect.
C. The Board will review the nominees and bring a recommendation to the membership at the Annual meeting.
D. If no nominees are received by the deadline, the Board shall nominate a president-elect.
Section 5. Elections
A. The Board nominee for President-elect will be presented to the FACTE membership at the Annual meeting for affirmation.
Section 6. Vacancy in Office
A. President – A vacancy in the office of president shall be filled by the president-elect who shall serve the remainder of the current term AND shall continue in office for the succeeding term.
B. President-elect – The FACTE Board will follow the procedure established in Section 4 and Section 5 of the FACTE By-Laws to fill a vacancy in the office of president-elect.
Section 7. Division Representative and Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Vice-President
Each Division shall designate a representative who shall serve a two-year term on the Board of Directors of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, according to Division rules
Section 8. Installation
The Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Board of Directors shall be installed at the Annual Meeting.
Section 9. Duties of Officers
A. President – The president shall:
1. Preside at all meetings of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education and the Board of Directors;
2. Serve as Chair of the Executive Committee;
3. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating committee;
4. Act in any emergency for the Association after consulting with the entire executive committee
5. Act as the official spokesperson for the Association on all matters in cooperation with the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Executive Director;
6. Appoint all standing committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the Board of Directors;
7. Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, the President shall:
a. Create special committees;
b. Replace or remove a chairperson of a committee.
B. President-elect – The president-elect shall:
1. Perform such duties as may be assigned by the Board of Directors or the Executive Committee.
2. Preside at any meeting in the absence of the President.
C. Division Designees – The Division Designees shall represent their respective Divisions on the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Board of Directors
D. Immediate Past-President –The immediate past-president shall perform such duties as shall be assigned by the President and be the ACTE Region Policy Committee Representative.
1. Represent the Association at all regularly called Policy Committee Meetings to include, but not limited to, the ACTE National Convention, the ACTE National Policy Seminar, and the Region 2 Conference.
2. Work with the Executive Director to prepare the State of the State Report
3. Keep the Association updated about ACTE activities
Section 1. Executive Director
The Executive Director shall serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, Inc. and shall:
A. Manage all the business, property and activities of the Association;
B. Keep a full and accurate record of the proceedings of the business meeting(s) of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Board of Directors;
C. Maintain accurate membership records;
D. Prepare necessary correspondence;
E. Prepare an annual budget in cooperation with the Budget and Audit committee;
F. Maintain and make available appropriate and complete financial records of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education;
G. Perform those functions outlined in the job description and employment contract;
H. Organize and maintain a headquarters with staff necessary for the implementation of the goals and objectives contained in the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Strategic Plan;
I. Recommend to the Board of Directors the procedures necessary for the implementation of all resolutions adopted at the annual Business Meeting of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education;
J. Serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee and the Board of Directors;
K. Notify all members of renewal deadline for payment of dues;
L. Notify those members who are delinquent in the payment of dues;
M. Serve as the chief legislative advocate and liaison;
N. Perform other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors;
O. Coordinate the Annual Conference and Trade Show;
P. Conduct other activities for the purpose of raising funds and generating revenue to support the Association goals and strategic plan.
Section 1. Membership
The Board of Directors of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education shall comprise of the President, President-elect, immediate Past-President, and Division designees who shall serve as Division representatives. The Executive Director shall be an ex-officio member with no vote and shall not be counted in the quorum.
Section 2. Duties
The Board of Directors shall:
A. Attend each annual conference and trade show;
B. Be responsible for their Division representation at all conferences and workshops held by the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education;
C. Create all committees and approve all appointments made by the President;
D. Assist the Executive Director in managing all the business, property and activities of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education not otherwise provided for in the bylaws;
E. Develop a Legislative Platform annually;
F. Employ an Executive Director;
G. Designate the conditions and terms of employment of the Executive Director;
H. Approve an annual budget by June 30 of each year;
I. Assist the President-elect in periodically reviewing and updating the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education Strategic Plan;
J. Review the association’s policies and procedures;
K. Employ a Certified Public Accountant to perform an annual audit of the financial records of the business, property and activities of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education.
Section 3. Meetings
A. The Board of Directors shall meet no less than twice between annual meetings and may utilize electronic communications;
B. Board meetings shall be called by the President or a quorum of board members;
C. Notices of regular board meetings shall be sent to all members at least 30 days prior to the date the meeting is to be held;
D. Special board meeting may be called by the President utilizing electronic communications;
E. Proxy voting (following Roberts Rules of Order). The Division’s president will appoint the proxy voting for the Board member.
Section 4. Quorum
A majority of the membership of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Section 1. Time and Place
The Annual Meeting of this organization shall be held between June 15 and November 15, with the exact date and place to be determined by the Board of Directors, to conduct such business as shall properly come before the members.
A. Official Call- The official call shall be electronically mailed to all members at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting.
Section 2. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education shall be called by the President either upon a majority votes of the Executive Committee, or at the written request of a majority of the Divisions.
Section 3. Voting Body
The voting body in general membership meetings of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education shall be comprised of all Florida Association for Career and Technical Education members in good standing.
Section 4. Quorum
A quorum for any meeting of the general membership of Florida Association for Career and Technical Education shall be comprised of the members present at any regularly called meeting.
Section 1. Executive Committee
A. Composition – The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the President, the President-elect, the immediate Past-President, and the Executive Director who shall serve as an ex-officio member.
B. Duties – The Executive Committee shall coordinate the activities of the Board of Directors with those of the Executive Director when the Board of Directors is not in session.
Section 2. Standing Committee
Unless otherwise provided for by the Board of Directors, the Standing Committees of the Association shall be: Budget and Auditing; Awards and Hall of Fame; Nominations. A majority of the membership of a standing committee shall constitute a quorum. Each Standing Committee member shall:
A. Serve for a period of one year;
B. Hold sufficient meetings to accomplish the purpose(s) of the committee;
C. Provide progress reports to the Board of Directors at scheduled board meetings;
D. Present a report on committee activities at the Annual Meeting.
1. Duties
a. Budget and Audit Committees – This committee shall:
i. Aid the Executive Director in preparing the annual budget;
ii. Present the annual budget and the annual audit report to the Board of Directors.
b. Nominations – This committee shall:
i. Send to the president of each eligible Division, a declaration of candidacy form to be used by those filing for office of president-elect; each eligible Division may submit one candidate;
ii. Screen all applications for eligibility;
iii. Present the names of all eligible candidates for the office of president-elect to the Board of Directors for its consideration and endorsement two months prior to the annual business meeting;
iv. Present the Board recommendation for President-elect at the annual business meeting for membership affirmation.
c. Strategic Plan Committee – This committee shall:
i. Prepare a strategic plan every three years with update as necessary.
d. Awards and Hall of Fame – This committee shall:
i. Conduct a selection process for members to be inducted into the Hall of Fame and to receive Association Annual Awards
Section 3. Special Committees
There shall be such special committees as are deemed necessary to carry on the work of this association. The President or Executive Committee may appoint these committees.
Section 1.
These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote at an annual or special meeting of the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education, provided the proposed amendment is appended to the call of the meeting.
Section 2.
These Bylaws may be revised only upon authorization by the delegates attending an annual meeting and the revision shall be included in the official call.
Section 3.
An amendment or revision to these bylaws shall become effective at the adjournment of the meeting at which it is adopted
The most recently revised edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of Florida Association for Career and Technical Education in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.